Monday, November 23, 2009

Great day

Yesterday was a great day. I enjoyed a great morning with the students in sunday morning Fuel. I liked helping with our Extended Teaching Care during the service. I went to lunch with some great folks in the Young Married group. I then helped setup for our church wide Thanksgiving banquet. It was a great success and loved the food. Tear down and cleanup with smooth and quick, it was done before I knew it. Afterwards I went to work out where Eric and I ran 3.2 miles and walked some before and after it as well. We then went and benched some weight which I ended up maxing out at 240. I was very pleased with that amount of weight. We tried to do some crunches and loose some belly fat. Went home and went to sleep soon after. Like I said it was a great day that I enjoyed living. Looking forward to this week, THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Lord for my family, my friends, my church, my job, everything that you entrust to me, volunteers that work with me on a weekly basis, my home, my cars, but thanks most of all for salvation and for loving me and forgiving me every single day!

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