Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Suffering in Mind

I am convicted often of how often I complain about my situations and circumstances. I wonder why I do this when I know that people all around the world are suffering hardships because they claim the name of Christ. I saw a facebook post this morning that read, "Ruin my life the plans that I've made- wow He has done a great job of that in my life." I cannot say that but on the other hand I am not sure I want to be able to say that. If I am honest, I am not sure I want God to wreck my life and the plans that I've made. I am selfish and it is so hard not to be. I like my life comfortable and maybe even wealthy. Living a life that is committed to Christ is not about that though. How do we live in this world but not allow this world to live in us? The world says if you want it then go get it. If you desire it, then chase after it until you have it and usually it doesn't matter what "it" is. "It" might be a woman, a man, a job, wealth, a large house, a family, dream job, happiness, and success. If we want something, does that mean we should chase after it until we have it? Our motivators in life many times are not Godly or Christlike. There is something deep down inside me that desires for my plans to be wrecked by God because they are selfish and because they make more of me than they do of God. I have been called by God to be a Christ follower and to be minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My life must be an arrow pointing to Him and His Love for Mankind. I wish I could say that this is what my life illustrates but most of the time I think that if someone really observed my life they would see me sitting in the driver seat of my life directing it to where I want it to go. As hard as it is to say this, I know I need to say this, I must say this, I do say, "Lord, Ruin my life the plans that I've made, Ruin desires for my own selfish gain, destroy the idols that have taken Your place Till it's You alone I live for!" We do not choose suffering over comfort enough in this country. Any thoughts from any of you out there?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good post, very true.