Wednesday, May 27, 2009

past weekend

working out is so hard to continue to do. It is even harder to not fall lazily back into your old way of eating and living. I desire to continue to shred the weight and continue losing but at times it is really hard. pray for me because I am looking at a wall but I do not know how to maneuver over or around it. Had a good time this weekend with friends eating out, Genghis Grill, and pa rousing around, at rangers/astros game Saturday, and visiting friends in old town of sherman. Loved every second of every second. even got to eat at an old time fav restaurant, Tin Star. love you


Eric said...

Michelle and I have given up on the shred until the you said to hard to do! Can't wait until the next racquetball.

Erin said...

Maybe it's this time of year or something, but the Dugans have hit the same wall as you. :( Hopefully it will be knocked down soon and we can all pick up where we left off.

Sarah said...

What is "pa rousing"? Just curious.

The shred is hard, but come on friends! Look at the results!!

We can do it, we can do it!!