Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am hungry to see God's Holy Fire blaze all over my world. I wanna see Him in my family, in our church, in student's lives, in parent's lives. I know our generation is a bunch of people who seem to care less whether they ever meet with God or not. They care more about winning a game or being the best at this than they do about God using them and changing them in this life. I saw today that Perry Noble(the pastor of NewSpring Church in SC) has been preaching a message series entitled Practical Atheist. It is about how we call ourselves Christians yet the way we live does not demonstrate that to anyone. I am convicted and moved to do something but what. I will be praying God show me, my family, our Student Ministry volunteers and parents, and our church that we place so much more importance on other things than we do on God and being with God's people. Hungry to see God move in my midst!