Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Life is a journey and it is challenging. I wish things were easy to understand. Life is difficult much of the time. I wrestle with knowing God intimately and with knowing exactly what He wants me to be doing for Him. I want to see where God is working and get involved with Him instead of asking Him to help me with the things I am doing. I know these facts but it is still hard to live it. I want to be what God wants me to be and I want to be where God wants me to be. Next, making parenting decisions are hard as well. There are questions in my parenting life like should I teach Santa Claus, is allowing my children to trick or treat good or bad, what is the best way to disciple my own children in the Lord? How do I know my children's college funds will actually produce enough money for them to go to college? Should I worry about retirement as a minister or do I trust God to take care of me? I do not know the answers to these questions. I seem to always have more questions than I do answers. I feel like only God can Lead Me to answers. Lord, lead me so that I can lead the ones you have entrusted in my leadership!