Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Encouraging Spiritual Growth

I have realized that I do not have the power to make people grow spiritually with their relationship with God. I also know that I struggle with my own relationship with Him. The truth I know though is that God is real and without Him I would have nothing. I am not sure that others I know actually believe that. I truly believe people believe they would be alright if there was no such thing as the God of the Universe, the creator of all things everywhere. We live our lives with such oblivious ignorance to the fact that God desires a day by day moment by moment relationship with us, His creation. We think that swimming or fishing or basketball or cars or food or school or acceptance from others is more important than pleasing our heavenly Father. The devil is the father of all lies and he is here to steal, kill, and destroy. He steals our joy, he kills our worship with thoughts of other things, and he destroys our relationship with God by keeping us busy with unimportant things of life. I just do not understand how to motivate students, parents, or adults to pursue God whole-hearted with a zealous passion for Christ to be known, but to think of it and be truthful, I do not even know all the time myself. I realize all the time that I can not impress people to do things that they do not see me model for them. Godliness is desired because it is seen in others and portrayed by our Creator of the Universe. Thank you God for loving me in spite of my sinfulness and inability to do anything good without YOU. Turn my struggle into my strength for Your Glory and not my own.

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