Monday, April 13, 2009

Learning Life

It feels like I have to learn how to live life every single week.
I get to places in my life where I feel like I should have this understood by now. The simple truth is that I don't though. Every day I need to wake up and say, "Lord, will You show me how to live today appropriate for today?"
When life gets to the point where you think you have it figured out, it changes on you. You think you are starting to get the hang of this routine and then BAM, things change. I was reading someone else's thoughts earlier today and they were talking about how God likes to interupt our lives when we get comfortable because when we get comfortable we feel like we are in control. How can I wake up every single day and tell God that if He doesn't direct my paths today then I will be an utter failure. For that matter, if God is not LORD of our lives we are completely and totally desolate. Do you agree or disagree?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey brother! this is allison.

those are some good thoughts. especially "i have to learn how to live life every single week." that has been my lesson in the past year, with this terrible job that i have. it's a bad environment. and since i was raised a Christian, i KNOW everything i need to KNOW to get through it. but i've learned there's a difference between knowing about Christ, and knowing Him. do i really trust Him, even if i get fired for something stupid? do i really believe He's big and glorious, or do i care more about what other people think about me? (there's a situation with someone bullying me...) it seems like those are basic ideas, but i have to learn them again every day.

so. yeah. i agree. i never felt comfortable, but i guess i was...because He's definately shaking things up.