Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Post

Our family has had quite a busy few weeks going and doing and learning. On March 14 began Spring Break week for us in Temple, Texas. I planned for the student ministry to lead a missions week for our our city rather than take a trip somewhere. We ministered to a trailer park community right down the road from our church. We had a wonderful week with them and hope that we will be able to return to visit with them soon. That next Sunday, March 21 began a revival at our church. Our church met every night from Sunday to Thursday, Saturday, and then Sunday through Wednesday. God taught Sarah and I a lot through these meetings with Him. We are seeking Him more together and as parents. To be honest I do not know how to parent any children, much less children that God has entrusted to me. We learned to parent our children to be obedient to Him first and us second which means we teach them that being obedient to God's standard is the most important aspect of their life. He created them, us, the world, and He calls all of us to love Him and live for Him. Too many parents want their children to be obedient to them because they said so and thats good enough. The problem with that is that kind of obedience does nothing to drawn us closer to the heart of God. Once the children grow up and leave their home, they have no real desire to be obedient to the things of God and have a real intimate relationship with The One The Only GOD. I was also challenged to seek to listen to the Holy Spirit's guiding in my daily life. I also realized how lazy i had gotten with moral purity. Moral purity is not even thinking thoughts that if you had to say them outloud to someone it would make you shameful. Sarah and I ended the revival very encouraged to seek God through praying together regularly, having a daily time in the Bible, and we also renewed our marriage vows. This week has been a week trying to rest and get back into a routine again. This weekend Sarah, a youth workers, a few students and myself are going to the Youth Ministry Lab at SWBTS. I am looking forward to going to a Youth Ministry Conference with my wife. I have never done that before. TO TOP everything off Sarah has about 40 days until our 2nd daughter will be born into the world and it is about that long before my busiest time of the year begins with my work as a Youth Minister. Love ya peace to you and please pray for me and my family as we press on with life and strive to be dilligent with everything God has called us to.

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